This morning’s hike was much more picturesque than yesterday’s.  But it’s still really difficult to capture the landscape with a camera.  These hikes move fast, so there’s really no time to stop and take great pictures.  I only had time to pull out my iphone as I walked.  This will change on the weekend, when the hikes will be completely scenic and at what ever pace we choose.  That’s when I’ll go to Zion, and (fingers crossed), Angel’s Landing.  Apparently there’s snow up there 😦

Our Hiking Guides

hiking day 4 2

The Watering Hole used by Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
The Watering Hole used by Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

This afternoon we enjoyed a kickboxing class, then into the weight room for a strength circuit.  Our 3rd class could be either stretch or water aerobics.  Since I did an hour of stretch this morning, and I’m still not brave enough to go swimming in this weather, I decided to join another guest back in the gym where we did some treadmill work.

The lecture tonight was given by the Dietician, called Nutrient Density vs Calorie Density.  She explained although calorie in – calorie out is true, where those calories come from makes all the difference in helping to make you full and satisfied.  Although I knew this at a basic level, she gave us a simple rule to follow in order to eat healthier:  learn what makes a food nutrient dense (water and fibre) or calorie dense.  Every time you eat a meal, make 75% of your plate nutrient dense, and 25% calorie dense.

Nutrient dense foods are vegetables (100 calories/lb), fruit (300 calories/lb), whole intact grains and starchy vegetables (500 calories/lb) and beans (600 calories/lb).

Calorie dense foods are animal products (1,000 calories/lb), processed complex carbs (1,400 calories/lb), junk food (2,300 calories/lb), nuts and seeds (2,800 calories/lb) and oils and fats (4,000 calories/lb).

For example, walnuts are healthy, but you would never eat just 4 of them – it wouldn’t satisfy you.  But put those walnuts on some oatmeal, and you have a meal that will satisfy you.

She gave us a strategy to use the next time we are invited out for pizza.  Just be sure to eat a salad first.  Our fullness (stretch receptors) will kick in, helping to satisfy us and we won’t want or need to eat too much pizza.  But by all means, enjoy your pizza!  If you make a habit of eating a fruit or a vegetable before any meal, you will end up satisfied much sooner.

The lectures here were designed to educate people who stay for one week.  Since I’m staying for two, I’ll move to the kitchen next week and learn some cooking skills 😀

My muscles are very sore, so it’s time to take a Night Time Body Ache Tylenol and get some rest.