Las Vegas? Not a fan.  However, Sundays at Movara are kind of sad.  Half the people I bonded with this past week have given their hugs and have gone home.  A new bunch of people are checking in today.  So me and Geoff-from-London decided to do a road trip to Vegas.  I have a rental car, so after breakfast, Chef Sam packed up a healthy lunch and a snack, and off we went.

The Famous Bellagio
The Famous Bellagio

After we parked the car at Circus Circus, I knew we needed to walk north to find Freemont Street.  So of course I led poor Geoff south.  After walking for about an hour, we realized we were walking in the wrong direction, so we jumped on a bus to Freemont St.  We decided to have lunch once we arrived, and we were dropped off at the Heart Attack Grill.  We took some tourist pictures of this unbelievable place, then found a place to sit and ate our healthy option from Movara.  No regrets, my sandwich was delicious.

We then took in the Mob Museum.  We also each gambled one quarter on those machines where the money is hanging precariously near the edge and you KNOW just one more quarter will send it all tumbling down into your awaiting hands.  Wanting to get back in time for dinner, we then drove back to Utah.

Despite having no workout today, I still managed to walk 20,207 steps, 8.58 miles, climbed 21 flights of stairs and burned 2,466 calories.

Worthy of a massage?  I think so 🙂